13, place Emil-Goudeau, Picasso’s Residence where he painted Demoiselles d’Avignon.
Sacre Coeur painted by Picasso in Cubist style.
Le Pain Agile, 22 rue des Saules, where Picasso friend Casagemas committed suicide.
49, rue Gabrielle, Picasso’s studio in the autumn of 1900.
79 rue Lepic, Le Moulin de la Galette, a dance hall, a subject of Van Gogh, Picasso and others.
I woke up early and began to work. Paris weather has been beautiful since I’ve been here. I am absorbing the history of this place. I see aristocratic residence that are now hotels, trendy shops, narrow walkways and the endless muddy Seine. In the background are cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, bateaux and electric buses. Everything moves in rhythm with the Seine. You hear beeps not honks. The throaty sound of the French is all about. So far, I have seen mostly paintings by the Impressionists, Fauves and Post Impressionists.The colors of the Fauves is clearly in my view. In the evening I went to Montmartre and waked in the footsteps of Picasso.
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