Eglise de Sainte Germain des Pres Concert

We had quite a relaxed day. We had breakfast at the Swedish Institue at Fika Cafe in the adjacent courtyard. Then, we toured the Seine on the Batobus. We stopped at the Eiffel Tower and in the park a plum tree was in bloom. We returned to Sainte Germaine for an early dinner and ended up in La Charrette a bar near by the Ecole de Beaux Arts. There on the wall was a mural painted by students in 1966. The atmosphere was out of a long lost era with American 1960s folk rock music filling the dark space. We proceeded to find a dinner place. First, we stopped at a dress shop where we saw Matisse inspired dresses. The sales person said the Japanese designer was inspired by Matisse and the dresses were made in Paris. We stopped at the first place we could find for dinner. It was on Boulevard Sainte Germaine. The waiter escorted us to an empty table and a dinner was prepared it seemed just for us. Oddly, they featured American Country music probably an exotic choose for Parisian ears. We walked with G.T and Susan along the Sainte Germaine and stopped at Elise de Sainte Germain des Pres.
There in 20 minutes, a Violin Concert was being presented and we decided to attend. We walked back to the Cite Internationales des Arts past Notre Dame after a satisfying full day.
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